Sending ❤️ beyond V Day

Published 3 months ago • 3 min read

Hi Reader!

February is a month that holds lots of 'important' days (besides my birthday 🥳) including Valentine's Day, National Almond Day and National Drink Wine Day. 😉 It's also Heart Month which shines a light on taking care of your ticker.

My connection to heart disease gets personal and is close to my own heart. My dad, mom, brother, and sister all had or have heart disease. That means that this silent killer could be at my doorstep … but that doesn’t mean I’m putting out a welcome mat! 🛑

You may not be able to pick your parents, but you can pick what goes on your plate. Choosing heart healthy foods like whole grains, fiber, healthy fats, fruits and veggies and lean proteins doesn't have to be overwhelming -- subtle additions to your diet can bring big changes to your body.

As someone who often relies on my heart over my head...I hope you're taking good care of heart because in the long run, your entire body will benefit. I hope you'll enjoy some of the stories below.

Sending my best regards to you for a happy, healthy heart year through,


When It Comes To Heart Disease...

Prevention May Be The Cure

Unless you’re clairvoyant, it’s not very easy to prevent something you can’t predict.

When it comes to your body, right now, as you read this story, there could be problems brewing inside of you waiting to happen: whether it’s potential damage from high blood sugar, blood pressure, or cholesterol levels, this is the time to take charge of your health…particularly, your heart.

And what better time to talk about your heart than on Valentines Day! Perhaps if we paid more attention to our real hearts as we do to the emojis we send in texts ❤️🩷🧡💚💙🤍🤎🖤💔we might be a lot healthier.

Fighting heart disease, especially for women, is not just about putting on a red dress or eating heart-healthy foods during February – it’s about making some room on your own to-do list to try to take small steps to promote a healthy lifestyle.

Get some 😴 fit in some 🏃🏻‍♀️ eat foods that make your heart smile 🥗 because good health is a gift that keeps on giving 💝

Happy belated Valentine’s Day to you all 🎉

You can read my full article HERE

The Best Weight Loss Smoothies: Powders, Premade, and DIY Smoothies Recommended by RDs

Although smoothies can pack a hefty punch as far as nutrition goes, it can also add more to your morning or late afternoon snack than you really need. Additions like Greek yogurt, protein powder or nut butter can boost protein value but the add-ons including syrups, sugars and juices could provide more sugar than you realized.

Here's what I told Everyday Health:

Always check calories per serving, and how many servings are in the smoothie. “Smoothies could provide a powerhouse of nutrients, but if you’re not careful — you could also get more calories than you might realize,” says Bonnie Taub-Dix, RDN, CDN, creator of and author of Read It Before You Eat It — Taking You from Label to Table.

“If you’re trying to lose weight, I’d use 0 percent fat Greek yogurt instead of full fat, fresh or frozen fruit for natural sweetness instead of sugars or syrups, and perhaps powdered proteins or powdered nut butter instead of regular nut butter as a protein source,” Taub-Dix advises.

Want to know which ingredients should be considered a “red flag” for smoothies? Check HERE is the full story on EverydayHealth.

A Tasty Way To Usher In Valentine's Day

This was just one of almost 30 TV interviews I did last week during a Satellite Media Tour (better known as an SMT).

This type of event is one of the most challenging, most stressful and most exciting tasks that a media dietitian could be asked to do and I'm thankful every time an opportunity like this comes my way.

Just in case you don't know what's involved: I stand in one place for around 5 hours talking to reporters that I don't get to see, but they can see me. It's one interview after another -- and although they have a list of questions that they are supposed to ask never know when a reporter will go rogue and ask you anything (while on air) that they want to! I've had a few doozies asked to me at times...

This time I was thrilled to partner with Blue Diamond Almond Breeze to bring you their newest product, Almond & Oat Blend. I hope you can find some in a store near you because it is truly delish!!

You can watch my video interview HERE

* * * * * * * * * * * * *

What I'm reading:

Ultra-Processed Vibes

Why Building an Email List Is Super Important

12 New Years Resolutions for New Writers

Recent Stories I've Been Quoted In:

EVERYDAY HEALTH: The Best Weight Loss Smoothies: Powders, Premade, and DIY Smoothies Recommended by RDs

YAHOO! :We Asked A Dietitian To Find Some Health Menu Items At McDonald's

PARADE: Why You Should Sip on a Glass of Water Even When You Don't Feel Thirsty, According to Dietitians

HEALTH DIGEST: Why You Should Think Twice Before Eating An Undressed Salad

WOMEN'S HEALTH: 26 Healthy Sugar-Free and Low-Sugar Snacks, Per Expert Nutritionists

If you like what you see here, please forward this email to a friend -- I'd love to bring some healthy tips to others! 🙏🏻

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Ever dream of seeing your name in a byline or face on a screen? Why dream when you can make it a reality! I'm a registered dietitian nutritionist, celebrated media personality, the award-winning author of “Read It Before You Eat It - Taking You from Label to Table” and creator of the website and blog While I am known for my nutrition expertise, it's my media training that sets me apart. With thousands of media features spanning TV, radio, podcasts, web, and print, I'm here to share 30 years of experience. Join my newsletter for insider tips, tricks, and stories because I’m on a mission to inspire you and motivate you to get the confidence and tools you need to shine in the spotlight. Let's do this...together!

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